Monday, September 22, 2008

Sister's Laughing

My sister and I are complete opposites. We really don't have anything in common besides we both love Jesus and we share the same parents. Yet, no one can make me laugh like my sister can. At this rare occasion I get my sister rollin'. One day she and her husband will be in Africa with me, God willing of course.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pictures from Equip Night last week.

These are pictures of our work at Winbourne.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My coworkers are tired of reading the same blog

So, my coworkers are tired of reading my last entry over and over; I have to get in the habit of blogging, so bare with me. Well, we survived the hurricane. Thank you for everyone who prayed. As far as fundraising for Mozambique, I still need lots of help. So far, I have raised about $3,250. Some might be wondering how could they donate every month instead of one lump some, well, I have to get back with you. I will be meeting with the missions guys at HPC this Friday.