Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I really don't like fish. I like salmon and tuna, but that is about it. Mozambicans, on the other hand, love fish. Here are a few pictures of our Nkobe kids cleaning fish for the next day.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Family Visit, Culture Shock

Mom and Aunt Grace came for a visit. I enjoyed having them here. We spent a few days in Mozambique, but we spent most of our time in Cape Town. I realize now more than ever the importance of taking a break. Isaac told me that living one year in Africa is the equivalent of 3 years in the States. Time flies here, but it also feels like forever. And if you leave for any amount of time and come back, its culture shock all over again. When I arrived in January, I had no idea what I was getting into. Living in Mozambique is difficult--physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When I travel outside of Mozambique and come back, its a challenge to come back because now I know. Missionary Morris Plotts says, "The greatest qualification to be a missionary is ignorance. If you knew what you were getting into, you wouldn't do it."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Devotional Reading

With my highly prized cup of coffee, I sit and think about the Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. Its good, but it doesn't really challenge me, and I am trying to figure out why. It talks about some intense stuff like, "It is vanity to wish for a long life, an to be careless about living a good and useful life." Book One 1:4. Another one, " A humble knowledge of yourself is a surer way to God than in involved intellectual search after learning." Book One 3:4b.

I guess I am not that into the style of the book. At least in the first book, it is broken down into small exerts, but they are ramdom, on various subjects. Its good, so I am determined to get through it, but I am having a difficult time making it apply to me. Or maybe a Kempis has not convinced me that it should apply to me.

I really enjoyed reading Real Christianity by William Wilberforce and Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray. It challenged me so much, "devotional reading has more of the character of a spiritual awakening out of cultural sleep than it has the idea of improving existing attitudes... We readily "sleep" within our culture until we travel abroad and are surprised by how differently other societies live and behave...Often this requires a renewed brokenness of spirit, a new or deepened sense of sin, or a profound reevaluation of our priorities...We may need then to "travel abroad" as the Desert Fathers did when they left the cities of men. We may need to explore as the medival mystics explored, or suffer as the Puritans suffered, in order to learn how secular their contemporary species of Christianity really was, and ours is today."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have been here 7 1/2 months, and I am receiving family visiters for the first time. I had no idea I would miss my family so much. Things are settling in well. I feel great here, its lonely sometimes, but I really enjoy what I do. I love helping people and sharing the love of Jesus. Can't wait to post some pictures of my family. They are the best.

Man's Best Friend

I am getting a dog. Her name is Nicky, and I think she is a coton de tulear. If you want more information on the breed, check out: I will post some pictures soon. Reasons for getting a dog: 1. I love dogs, I miss my cocker spaniel in the States. 2. I will be moving out to a little town called Nkobe in a couple of months, its rural and not the safest place in the world, she will be a watch dog.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ramblings About Life as a Missionary

I confess that I do not faithfully read anyone's blog, and I forget that there are people who are interested in what I do as a missionary. Let me tell you upfront that being a missionary can be a "job" just like a job anywhere. Have you ever done social work in the inner cities? I have. It definetely prepared me for the work I do now, but being a missionary is a lifestyle. You can be a missionary in your own country. What makes a missionary a missionary is someone who is obedient to God and follows Him to the most uncomfortable places to share the love of God with the "least of these." If you think that I am oversimplifying this special calling, I apologize, but I can't help but notice a few things by being in Africa. Living in a developing country is uncomfortable unless you have money. Although an American missionary is not necessarily poor, they still have to learn how to live without many things. It is difficult. I can give you a whole list of reasons why this is so, but I do not need anyone's simpathy, just trying to make a point. I've learned that I don't need to have it all together to help, (this all together can be serveral things, depending on whatever idol we have propped up in our life: is this a little to forceful to write? My confession: my "all together"/idol was efficiency/progress/organization). I don't need to speak the language perfectly, I can just dive in and love people. Its uncomfortable, but at the end of the day I know that it was God, it was a miracle, I take no credit in it. Want to be a missionary. Ask yourself what is your most uncomfortable place? Once you figured that out, practice being a missionary by living there and learning to love people.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hope in Jesus

I wish I could share with you all the wonderful things that happen when you serve God. I've met so many wonderful people, and I have done some really cool things, and I get to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the poor. Isaiah speaking about Jesus says, "Here is my servant I have chosen, the one I love in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations. He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will no snuff out, till he leads justice to victory. In his name the nations will put their hope."
In his name the nations will put their hope. I get to see this coming to pass. Jesus answers prayers in Mozambique, and they are learning to put their hope in Him, as I do.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Missions Teams Arriving

I am so excited about going back to Mozambique. My time in Swaziland has been great. I have made really good friends, and I have learned a lot about Children's Cup and Mission of Mercy. I go back at an exciting time, the Hub [College and 20 Somethings] from Healing Place in Baton Rouge will be coming next week on a missions trip. Then, we will be back in Swaziland for a Pastors Conference. It is huge. There are about 80 Americans coming, but most importantly, there will be pastors from all over southern Africa. God is doing some amazing things over here.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I am so blessed to be here for two weeks. I am staying with great missionary friends, Jessie and Missy; I am hanging out with the best people, and learning more about how to serve the people of southern africa. We played the amazing race with the youth of HPC_Swaziland. They had a great time.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


We are sharing God's love and changing lives through simple acts of kindness. Here are some of the pictures of the volunteers at HPC_Mozambique.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ever Seeing and only now Perceiving

God has grown my heart. I see what I did not see before. Let me preface this: I am a thinker, so I am constantly thinking of ideas, making conclusions about the world. I hardly notice details like what people are wearing, decorations, etc... In fact, my cousin Isaac, the Pastor at HPC here in Mozambique, thinks I am always daydreaming, but I am actually just thinking. He is always asking me if I see certain things on the side of the road, and I always have to tell him no. But something has changed. I see now.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I don't have a glamorous job, but it sure is rewarding, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I feel like I am where I am supposed to be. I do feel homesick sometimes, it is no easy living in another country, but it feels awesome to be a part of what God is doing all over the world. The Gospel is being preached here in Mozambique. Please continue to pray for the work here. There is so much God wants to do with us here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2nd Week in Nkobe

Things are starting to settle in. I am getting adjusted to the time change, the new foods, and the cold showers with little water pressure. I love it though. I've been given the responsibility to take over the youth group, and to help everyone with organizing. It almost overwhelmed me with all the things that need to be done. I will take it one day at a time, and do my best.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Visit to Nkobe

I went to the Carepoint this morning. It took us 45 minutes to get there. There were sand roads, and pot holes the size of a small bathtub. Lots of great photo opportunities. Here are some of the pictures. If you are interested in seeing more pictures, you can check out my albums on facebook.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pictures of the Apartment and some traveling

This is me in the apartment.

All of us in Joberg waiting for a "delayed indefinetly" plane.

I arrive in Maputo, Mozambique

So, I arrived Saturday morning at 2:30. I spent a total of 32 hours traveling. Its a completely different world down here. I love it though. No air conditioning, milk comes in a box, and everything sounds expensive. It costs 350 something for a pillow. Its like 15 bucks, I think. I will be posting pictures shortly.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Wonderful Life

I have a wonderful life. Sure there are hardships and trials, but I really can't complain about anything. I give God all the Glory for this. I am blessed. Its not about shoes, outfits, and cars, its about people. The materials will fade away, and what I have left will be people. You can't buy love like that. I am about to leave this country for a while, and the one thing I will take with me are those relationships. Here are some pictures from my going away party. I have never felt so loved by people in all my life.